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1:1 consultations - through CubCare

Through my sister company CubCare I offer 1:1 consultations

See below and click the button on the right to be taken through to the CubCare website.
Bump to Baby package

2-2.5 hours of consultant support. A session during pregnancy to go through different options for carrying and then another once baby is here to help you carry confidently. Includes free carrier hire.


Mini consultation​

30 minutes. Time to get your current carrier fitting comfortably, or to try a different type of carry in it. Great option if you are moving to a different carrier or trying on a couple of options.

Standard consultation​

60 minutes. Enough time to explore woven wraps or ring slings. More in-depth discussion on next steps with your journey. Time to explore a larger sample of carriers. Or time for two people to try 1-2 carriers.

Premium consultation​

Two hours to go over all the basics of different carriers, carrying safety and benefits of carrying. And then time to master your chosen option. Or time for an in-depth family consultation to get everyone carrying confidently

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