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Hire bands and prices
See the different types of carrier and their hire prices
Stretchy wraps and carriers
Stretchy wraps e.g. Boba, Hana, Freerider
Stretchy carriers e.g. Close caboo
Hire Band A
Ring Slings
Ring slings - woven fabric with two metal rings
Hire band B
Woven wraps
Woven wraps - long woven fabric, comes in different lengths/sizes depending on the size of wearer and finish required
Hire band C
Half buckle/Full buckle/Toddler and Pre-school carriers
Half buckle carrier, meh dai - carrier panel with buckle waistband and woven sling like straps e.g. Didymos DidyKlick, Oscha Caris, Tula half buckle
Full buckle carriers e.g. Tula, Ergobaby, Didymos Didysnap, Integra
Toddler and pre-school carriers e.g. Tula, Integra
Hire band D, E and F
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